Stay Hydrated in Cold Weather

Losing excessive amounts of body fluid is not usually a hazard associated with cold weather. Most people associate dehydration with summer heat and humidity, but winter can drain the body of essential fluids for several reasons:

  • In winter, people tend to go longer without water, not realizing that breathing cold/dry air causes the body to lose significant amounts of fluid.

  • When we perspire in cold weather, the sweat turns into vapor and isn’t directly on the skin, so there is not the excessive perspiration that acts as a visual cue for us to drink.

  • In winter, people feel approximately 40% less thirsty, even though the body needs the same amount of water all year round.

  • Because we don’t feel thirsty as much as in the summer, we’re less likely to keep water handy in cold-weather months.

Dehydration is a danger to the body any time of the year. Most people don’t realize the hazards it poses to the heart. We need at least six 8-ounce glasses of water each day or we become dehydrated and have less blood volume, the heart must beat faster to keep oxygen and nutrients supplied to other vital organs.

Why is it so important to heart health that the body stay adequately hydrated? Consider these numbers: The body is 70% water. It is essential to health to maintain that level of water to regulate metabolism and stay healthy. For example, if a person weighs 100 pounds, 70 pounds of that weight should be water. If this ratio drops, the heart is deprived of fluid, and has to pump harder to get blood circulating and blood volume decreases. To preserve itself the body directs flow to the body core and organs. As a result, the blood vessels in the extremities (arms, hands, legs, and feet) stiffen up and constrict, putting the person at greater risk of frostbite and hypothermia.

There is a natural loss of fluid during the day from respiration and perspiration. If you are physically active in any way, you need to drink 32 ounces of fluid to maintain a healthy proportion of water in the body. If dressed in warm clothing, you sweat more and require even more fluid intake during the day. The combination of wearing warm clothing and high-intensity activity (exercise) leads to increased sweating and the possibility of dehydration. You may not feel thirsty in cold weather because your body chemistry impairs the brain’s ability to tell you when to hydrate.

One group of people who often become dehydrated is firefighters, because they are working strenuously in heavy layers of clothing. They must make themselves drink fluids even though they don’t feel thirsty.

To avoid dehydration in cold weather:

  • Take fluids with you when you leave the house.

  • If you don’t feel like drinking water, drink warm non-caffeinated drinks like tea, juice, or coffee to help the body stay hydrated.

  • Drink often, even if you are not thirsty.

  • Remember, certain fluids dehydrate the body. These include alcohol and carbonated or caffeinated drinks, including sports and energy drinks - avoid these.

  • Monitor the color and amount of urine your body is producing. Your urine should be light yellow or clear. If it is darker, drink more water.

  • Familiarize yourself with other common symptoms of dehydration including fatigue, feeling lightheaded, and irritability.

Any responsible person that does a lot of heavy manual labor and activity in the winter must keep their body hydrated. You are doing your body a great favor when you are conscious of your body’s need to stay hydrated in winter.

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