Protecting Yourself from Cold Stress Illness

Workers who are exposed to extreme cold or work in cold environments may be at risk of Cold Stress. Extremely cold or wet weather is a dangerous situation that can cause occupational illness and injuries such as hypothermia, frostbite, and trench foot.

Trench Foot

Any injury to the feet resulting from prolonged exposure to wet and cold conditions that can occur at temperatures from 60 degrees or below, when the feet are constantly wet due to sweat or immersion in water.

Symptoms: Reddening of the skin, numbness, leg cramps, swelling, tingling pain, blisters and ulcers, bleeding under the skin, gangrene (foot turning grey, dark purple, or blue).

First Aid: Remove shoes/boots and wet socks; Dry feet thoroughly; Avoid walking on feet (may cause tissue damage) for 3-10 days as per doctor’s recommendations.


Any injury to the body that is caused by freezing, which most often affects the nose, cheeks, chin, ears, fingers, and toes.

Symptoms: Reduced blood flow to extremities (mentioned above), numbness, aching, tingling/stinging pain, bluish or pale waxy skin.

First Aid: Get into a warm area out of the weather ASAP; Unless necessary do not walk on frostbitten feet/toes; Immerse the affected area in warm (not hot) water, or warm the affected area with body heat. Do not use radiating heat from hot pad, furnace, electric heater, or fireplace for warming; Do not rub or massage the frostbitten area (may cause tissue damage).


A condition in which the body uses up its stored energy and can no longer produce heat. Often occurs after prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.

Early Symptoms: Shivering, fatigue, loss of coordination, confusion/disorientation.

Late Symptoms: No shivering, blue skin, dilated pupils, slow pulse and breathing, loss of consciousness.

First Aid: Seek immediate medical attention; Move victim into a warm room/shelter; Remove wet restrictive clothing; Warm the center of the body first (chest, neck, head, groin) using blankets or skin to skin contact under loose dry layers of blankets, towels, clothing; If the victim is conscious and lucid give them warm (not hot) non-alcoholic drinks; Once body temperature has increased, keep them dry and warm in blankets including head and neck; If no pulse, begin CPR.

Preventative Protection

Watch or listen to weather forecasts and prepare for the day:

  • Monitor your physical condition and that of your co-workers

  • Wear appropriate clothing for the conditions (Keep warm and dry)

  • Be aware that some clothing may restrict movement putting you at greater risk due to loss of circulation; Wear loose fitting layered clothing

  • Protect ears, face, hands, and feet in extremely cold, wet, windy conditions

  • Take breaks in warm locations (but not overheated); Limit the amount of time outside

  • Carry extra socks, gloves, hats, jacket, blankets, and a thermos of warm liquid

  • Include chemical hot packs in your first-aid kit

  • Avoid touching cold hard objects with bare skin

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