Upcoming Risk Management Training



As a dedicated member of OMAG, you have the opportunity to access crucial funding aimed at enhancing and fortifying your municipality's sanitary sewer infrastructure. Our grants are designed to empower OMAG members in their commitment to providing efficient and environmentally responsible wastewater management systems. By investing in these grants, you not only safeguard the health and well-being of your community but also contribute to the sustainable growth and resilience of your municipality. Explore the possibilities and take a significant step towards building a cleaner, more sustainable future with OMAG Sanitary Sewer Grants.



Whether you are looking for guidelines on system maintenance, the latest industry best practices, or assistance in navigating regulatory frameworks, we have you covered. Empower your municipality with the knowledge and tools necessary to optimize sanitary sewer operations and foster a cleaner, more sustainable community.

  • OMAG Sanitary Sewer Brochure


    OMAG Wastewater Job Document (fillable PDF)


    OMAG Excavator Job Document (fillable PDF)


  • Guide for evaluating Capacity, Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM) programs for sanitary sewer collection systems.

    (click to download)

  • A successful CMOM program will periodically collect information on current systems and activities and develop a “snapshot-in-time” analysis.

    (click to download)

  • Questions every PW Director or Supervisor should be able to answer.

    (click to download)



As responsible members of our community, we must care for our environment and the public resources we share. That's why we are providing important information about FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease) in sewer pipes and the impact of flushing "flushable" wipes on our sewage system.

By clicking on the images below, you'll have access to valuable resource flyers that will educate you on how to dispose of FOG properly and why not to flush "flushable" wipes. Proper disposal of FOG (Fats, Oils, & Greases) and wipes will help us maintain our sewer system's health, save money, and preserve our environment. So, let's do our part, download the flyers and post them for everyone to see!